
My solutions to the open source book "The Unix Workbench" by Sean Kross"

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6.5 Branching

6.5.2 Exercises

  1. Start a new branch.

     $ git branch new_branch
  2. Switch to that branch and add commits to it. Switch to an older branch and then merge the new branch into your current branch.

     $ git checkout new_branch
     $ echo "some text" >> file.txt
     $ git add -A # or git add file.txt
     $ git commit -m "changed file.txt"
     $ git checkout master
     $ git merge new_branch
  3. Purposefully create and resolve a merge conflict.

     $ git checkout new_branch
     $ echo "hello Marvel" >> file.txt
     $ git add -A
     $ git commit -m "saying hello Marvel"
     $ git checkout master
     $ echo "hello DC" >> file.txt
     $ git add -A
     $ git commit -m "saying hello DC"
     $ git merge new_branch # A conflict will be prompted

    We then open the file where confilct happened and resolve it.

    Choose which change we will adopt, then save and exit.

     $ git add -A
     $ git commit -m "resolved conflict"

    C’mon, we all know who won the conflict :P

    It’s your preferred universe :) (Mine is Marvel BTW)