
My solutions to the open source book "The Unix Workbench" by Sean Kross"

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5.8 Functions

5.8.4 Exercises

Below this list of exercises you can find examples of how these programs should work when used on the command line.

  1. Write a function called plier which multiplies together a sequence of numbers.

  2. Write a function called isiteven that prints 1 if a number is even or 0 a number is not even.

  3. Write a function called nevens which prints the number of even numbers when provided with a sequence of numbers. Use isiteven when writing this function.

  4. Write a function called howodd which prints the percentage of odd numbers in a sequence of numbers. Use nevens when writing this function.

  5. Write a function called fib which prints the number of fibonacci numbers specified.

$ plier 7 2 3
## 42
$ isiteven 42
## 1
$ nevens 42 6 7 9 33
## 2
$ howodd 42 6 7 9 33
## .60
$ fib 4
## 0 1 1 2
$ fib 10
## 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34


  1. plier

     #!usr/bin/env bash
     # File: ex5-8-q1.sh
     function plier
         local res=1
         for num in $@
             let res=$res\*$num
         echo $res
     # Test:
     # Method 1:
     # Uncomment the next line here and run the script using bash
     # plier $@
     # Method 2:
     # Write the next line in the command line then call 
     # the function name with arbitrary arguments
     # source ex5-8-q1.sh
  2. isiteven

     #!usr/bin/env bash
     # File: ex5-8-q2.sh
     function isiteven
         [[ $1%2 -eq 0 ]] && echo 1 || echo 0
     # Test:
     # Method 1:
     # Uncomment the next line here and run the script using bash
     # isiteven $1
     # Method 2:
     # Write the next line in the command line then call 
     # the function name with arbitrary arguments
     # source ex5-8-q2.sh
  3. nevens

     #!usr/bin/env bash
     # File: ex5-8-q3.sh
     function neven
         local sum=0
         for num in $@
             let sum=$sum+$(isiteven $num)
         echo $sum
     # Test:
     # Method 1:
     # Uncomment the next line here and run the script using bash
     # neven $@
     # Method 2:
     # Write the next line in the command line then call 
     # the function name with arbitrary arguments
     # source ex5-8-q3.sh
  4. howodd

     #!usr/bin/env bash
     # File: ex5-8-q4.sh
     function howodd
         howeven=$(neven $@)
         printf "%.2f\n" $(echo 1.0 - $howeven / $# | bc -l)
     # Test:
     # Method 1:
     # Uncomment the next line here and run the script using bash
     # howodd $@
     # Method 2:
     # Write the next line in the command line then call 
     # the function name with arbitrary arguments
     # source ex5-8-q4.sh
  5. fib

     #!usr/bin/env bash
     # File: ex5-8-q5.sh
     function fib
         if [[ $1 -eq 1 ]]
             echo 0
         elif [[ $1 -eq 2 ]]
             echo 0 1
             # Starting elements of the series
             local arr=(0 1)
             # Number of elements to be added to the series
             local end=$(expr $1 - 2)
             # Local variable of the current element to be added
             local element=0
             # Iterate 'end' times
             for i in $(eval echo {1..$end})
                 # element = last + 2nd_last
                 let element=${arr[-1]}+${arr[-2]}
                 # element becomes the new last
             echo ${arr[*]}
     # Test:
     # Method 1:
     # Uncomment the next line here and run the script using bash
     # fib $1
     # Method 2:
     # Write the next line in the command line then call 
     # the function name with arbitrary arguments
     # source ex5-8-q5.sh