
My solutions to the open source book "The Unix Workbench" by Sean Kross"

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5.1 Math

5.1.2 Exercises

  1. Look at the man pages for bc.

     man bc

  2. Try doing some math in bc interactively.

     bc -l

    When we are done, we type quit or we press ctrl + D

  1. Try writing some equations in a file and then provide that file as an argument to bc.

    We write some equations in a file

     echo "22 / 7" > equ.txt
     echo "3 + 4" >> equ.txt
     echo "5.2 * 6" >> equ.txt

    We can now use one of two methods

    ### Method 1: Directly running bc with the file as an argument

     bc -l equ.txt # Will enter the interactive mode


     bc -l < equ.txt # Won't enter the interactive mode

    ### Method 2: Pipe the file contents as arguments to the bc command

     cat equ.txt | bc -l # Won't enter the interactive mode